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Image by Lothar Bodingbauer

Nature Has A Remedy

A man named George Fuechsel, an early IBM programmer, is credited with coining the term “garbage in, garbage out” (abbreviated to GIGO). The phrase became a computer rule. It simply means that bad input will produce bad output, and vice versa.

It is a very simple principle that I believe also applies to the tangible and intangible inputs we put into the human mind and body. The decisions we make regarding these affect us in so many ways. 

I have read many books in an effort to identify the categories and components of these inputs and apply it to my own life.

In this blog, I review and summarise (break down) each book for you, taking the important pieces, practical advice, and straightforward how-to steps, and putting them in a digestible format. I aim to read one book a week and summarise it.

From this I have identified and grouped 7 categories of input and further sub-categorised each. I believe that if these 7 inputs are correctly used in combination they can lead to good health and wellness.

I advocate the use of non-invasive, natural methods of treating our health and in turn the regenerative abilities of the body.

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